Friday, February 26, 2010

List Exchange Mailbox users indiviual folder sizes from EMS

I have recently been having issues with employees complaining about their mailbox quota being reached and they have no idea which folders are taking up the most space.

This handy powershell script will list a users Exchange Mailbox Individual folders along with their current sizes sorted by size and item count from largest to smallest.

This is handy to find out which of the folders within their mailbox is taking up the most space.

Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -id | Sort-Object FolderSize -Descending | FT folderpath, foldersize, ItemsinFolder -autosize


  1. is their a way to pause that during the output? example: their list of folders are so long it trunks the readout to about half, even if dropping into a txt file.

  2. Hello can export the entire folder path and other field data to csv by using the select and export-csv commands. Here is an example.

    Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -id USERID | sort-object FolderSize -descending | select folderpath, foldersize,ItemsinFolder | Export-Csv c:\PATH.csv
