Thursday, December 31, 2009

Exchange Unified Messaging User Status (Pin Expired, Locked Out, First Time User)

In this post I will show you how to quickly verify whether or not a um enabled user has setup their new mailbox for the first time, if their um account has been locked out or whether or not their pin is expired.

I have had to verify these settings on multiple occasions. Here is how to check.

The easiest way I have found to accomplish this is the run the following command.

get-ummailbox | Get-UMMailboxPIN

This command will display all UM enabled users and show you where or not their Pins have expired, if their accounts are locked out and if they have not setup their accounts for the first time

If you would like to get more granular with your search below are a few different Exchange Management Shell commands you can use.

get-ummailbox | Get-UMMailboxPIN | where {$_.FirstTimeUser -eq $true} | FT userid

This will provide you a list of all accounts that have not setup their voicemail accounts

get-ummailbox | Get-UMMailboxPIN | where {$_.LockedOut -eq $true} | FT userid

This will provide you a list of all accounts that are currently locked out for Unified Messaging

get-ummailbox | Get-UMMailboxPIN | where {$_.PinExpired-eq $true} | FT userid

This will provide you a list of all accounts with Pins that are expired. This could mean two things. First, these users have not setup their UM mailbox for the first time and you have setup their accounts to force them to change their PIN upon first time use or that you have a UM Mailbox Policy in place that has a password expiration date that has been reached.

I hope this post is helpful to someone else. Thanks for reading!!!!